Soldiers, Gramophones, And Other Stories: Author Saša Stanišić reads at Wesleyan

sasaposter_3.inddThe German Studies Department and the Center for the Humanities invite you to meet Bosnian-born German writer Saša Stanišić, who will read from his novel, How the Soldier Repairs the Gramophone, a very pictorial and linguistically inventive novel about the Balkan wars seen through the eyes of 14-year-old Aleksander, who has fled from the Bosnian town of Višegrad to Germany. In addition, Saša will present his latest works, accompanied by a lyrical photo essay. He will read in German and English.

The event will take place Thursday, April 1, at 5:00 p.m. at Russell House. Reception to follow.

For further information contact Iris Bork-Goldfield at

Lecture by Mark Gelber ’72

The College of Letters, the Jewish Studies Program, and The German Studies Department present


The Utility and Futility of Zionist Readings of Kafka

A Lecture by Mark Gelber ’72
(Professor of German Literature, Ben-Gurion University)

Thursday, February 18
COL Lounge, Butt C

Winter Impressions from Regensburg

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[Photos by Rachael Cleveland]

“Regensburg. Eine dieser Städte, bei denen alles stimmt. Alte Mauern, junges Volk (Universität!), ein Fluss, immer eine gute Mischung. […] An der Flussstraße Antiquitätenläden, weinumkränzte Lokale wie das Sausen-Eck, urkundlich erwähnt bereits 1363. Oha! Das haut den stärksten Ami vom Burger-King-Hocker.” – Wolfgang Röhl (Stern Nr. 25/2007)