Ezra Kauffman ’17. Ezra is working for JetBlue Airways in New York this summer and will be departing for Berlin in August. To prepare for his semester there, he is taking German lessons once a week during the summer:)
Suchakrey Koomplee ’17. Toys received the German Prentice Prize for for his excellent work as German House manager and his studies in German.
In June he will be working as a mentor in a summer camp at Brewster Academy, Wolfeboro, NH. This is a camp for the Thai high school students who received full scholarships from the Royal Thai Government to study in the US. In July, Toys will go back home to Thailand, where he has not been for two years! He will intern with the Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection in Bangkok.
In August, he will move to Trat, his hometown, to spend time with his family. He will be practicing his German a lot during this time to prepare for his study abroad year in Hamburg, Germany.
Mirands Haymon ’16. Miranda will spend this summer participating in the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship’s 6-week summer session on campus and conducting research on campus for her thesis. Herthesis will include both a performance and an essay investigating the effects of war on the art produced by a generation. For the written component, she seeks to answer the question: “How do theater artists working in post WWII Germany interpret the political issues of the time and represent them in their practices?”
Hein Jeong ’16. Henny is spending part of her summer in Boulder, CO, doing an internship with a small publishing firm. Afterwards, she will be travelling to Berlin to meet some old friends, practice her German, and explore more of the city where she studied with the Duke in Berlin program in spring 2014. She might connect with Prof. Plass in Berlin to discuss her thesis.
Wy Ming Lin ’16. Wy Ming will be doing research on campus as a Quantitative Analysis Center pprentice; he will learn to use statistical programming for his research with Professor Psyche Loui in the Mind, Imaging, and Neural Dynamics (MIND) Lab. Having studied in Berlin in the spring of 2014, Wy Ming encourages any students interested in studying in Germany to contact him.

Arya Mistry ’16. Arya is studying in Berlin. She and Ethan Yaro attended Professor Bork’s film event at the Nikolaiplatz in Berlin on June 23. When asked about her summer plans, Arya wrote in German: “Ich bin nicht ganz sicher, was ich sagen soll aber ich werde versuchen ein bisschen über meine Zeit in Berlin zu erzählen.
“Ich finde, dass Berlin eine unglaubliche Stadt ist. Es gibt so viel zu tun und viele interessante Leute. Am besten gefallen mir die Kultur und die Kunstmuseen. Ich habe neulich alle Museen auf der Museumsinsel besucht aber das Alte National- Museum und der Hamburger Bahnhof sind meine Lieblingsmuseen. Außerdem finde ich es ganz schön, durch die Stadt zu laufen und neue Stadtteile zu entdecken.
Ich werde in Berlin bis Anfang August bleiben und dann werde ich nach
Hause gehen, bevor ich zurück nach Wesleyan komme.” [Sie ist in Mumbai, Indien zu Hause.]
Nick Selden ’16. This summer Nick will be working for a classical music festival in Saarbrücken called theMusikfestspiele Saar. He will also be conducting thesis research on the German Expressionist painter Emil Nolde. He is very excited to return to Germany and explore new places and new ideas.
Colin O’Connor ’15. Colin received the German Studies Department’s Blankennagel Prize which he shared with Daniel Hurlbert. When asked what his plans for the summer were, he wrote: “Hinsichtlich dieses Sommers und der weiteren Zukunft habe ich ehrlich keine Ahnung, was ich mache. Meine Pläne wechseln mindestens jede Woche und oft jeden zweiten Tag. Vielleicht ziehe ich im Herbst nach Berlin, aber das ist nur einer von mehreren Gedanken.”
Daniel Hurlbert ’15. Daniel received the Department’s Blankenagel Prize which he shared with Colin O’Connor. This summer he will be working at a summer camp in Vermont. Starting this fall he will be teaching English in Austria as part of the Austrian US Teaching Assistantship Program. He will be living in Bludenz, a small town in Vorarlberg, a region of Austria right in the Alps, near Switzerland and Italy. Being an enthusiastic outdoor person, he is looking forward to skiing, hiking, and climbing! After a year as an ESL teacher, he is hoping to continue his studies abroad in either Germany or Austria before eventually moving back to the states.
Daniel Kennedy ’15. Daniel received the Scott Prize for his studies in German. Starting this fall, he will be studying data analytics at Heidelberg University for the 2015-2016 academic year, under the auspices of the Connecticut – Baden-Württemberg Exchange Program. After that, he will probably come back to the United States and seek employment, but he is also open to the possibility of spending more time in German.
Last but not least, a note from our alumna Heather Stanton ’10. Originally from Mesa, Arizona, she completed a year of post-graduation research in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, before returning to Arizona. She worked as an insurance agent at Allstate Insurance for two years before beginning law school at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law.
While at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law. While there she externed at the Arizona Court of Appeals with Judge Kessler, and clerked at the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona with Judge Teilborg, and at the U.S. Attorney’s Office with the Criminal Division. She also served as a teaching assistant for Judge Silver’s Constitutional Law course, Professor Menkhus’s Business Organizations course, Professor Schufeldt’s Alternative Dispute Resolution course, as well as for Professor Tofte’s Legal Method and Writing course. Heather has been the 2015-2016 executive managing editor for the Arizona State Law Journal. She spent this summer at the Phoenix law office of Lewis Roca Rothgerber and hopes to return there upon completion of her studies.