Krishna Winston’s essay, “Was zu Günter Grass in der englischsprachigen Welt gesagt werden muss,” appeared in October 2014 in Volume 14 of Littera borealis, Edition zur zeitgenössischen Literatur im Norden, published by the Literaturhaus Schleswig-Holstein in Kiel. The Grass volume features an interview with the writer, conducted by the director of the Günter Grass House in Lübeck, and essays by a number of Grass’s translators. It was presented to Grass on the occasion of his 87th birthday.
Month: January 2015
Lutz Hüwel and Krishna Winston celebrating Germany’s Day of Unity
On October 3, 2014, professors Lutz Hüwel and Krishna Winston were guests of Germany’s Consul General in Boston, Herr Rolf Schuette, for a celebration of Germany’s Day of Unity at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford, Connecticut. The reception highlighted the state of Baden-Württemberg, with which Connecticut maintains an official exchange focused on education and business. Since 1998, 50 Wesleyan graduates and graduate students have spent a year in Germany under the auspices of the exchange, and numerous students from Germany have come to Wesleyan. At an October 2 dinner at the Avon-Old Farms Inn, both professors were also present when the head of the visiting delegation from Baden-Württemberg, Minister of Higher Education, Research, and the Arts Theresia Bauer, presented a distinguished-service medal to Renate Seitz, who administers the B-W Exchange for the Connecticut Office of Higher Education.
Leo Lensing: Karl Kraus at war

2013 Photograph: © Deborah Sengl/Photo by Mischa
Leo Lensing’s commentary on Austria’s exploitation of The Last Days of Mankind, Karl Kraus’s great anti-war drama, to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the beginning of the First World War, is featured this week on the homepage of the The Times Literary Supplement.